me Everything

me Everything

Sunday, October 24, 2010


As I visit this blog early this morning I was kinda shock for having only one post for this year.
So I decided to add one more.
Its Monday morning and I my back hasn't touch my bed yet. Then I realized something that needs to be put into words, right here in this blog.
Friends are what we need in this world aside from our five basic needs and our family. We believe they are the ones who are there when every one else abandon us and we labeled or called these friends as true.
I had past issues with regards to stuffs like this. I had countless friends, close ones, best friends and some merely acquaintances. I love and value them today and I hate and disregard them the next day and this is my dilemma.
I think it's just me but I can't help it. Once they irritate me and they get into my nerves I just flared up and lost my temper and worst I am forced to create a lie after so as to escape the truth and denying them of what I truly feel.
It's as if I could dump them with one snap of my finger. I hate it most especially when one of them tries to get even with me. I hate it when one of them makes an unsolicited advice on me. When they comment on sensitive times that I don't need it.
One thing's for sure I can't wait to not see them everyday. These friends I terribly hold on to that I am, ta the same time, itching to let go!